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Daily Schedule

  • Bus 1020 arrives at 6:35 am and departs at 3:49 pm.
  • Students may enter the building beginning at 7:15 am, grades PreK-2 will wait in the cafeteria and grades 3-6 will wait in the gym.  At 7:30 am all students will report to their homeroom.  Breakfast is served during arrival from 7:30-7:45 am in the classrooms.
  • The tardy bell rings at 7:45 am and class begins.
  • Students have a 30 minute lunch and 30 minute recess daily by grade level.
  • Dismissal is at 3:05 pm.  Students picked up before 3:05 pm will be marked as a leave early in attendance.  Early release days dismiss at noon, 12:00 pm.
  • When the district announces a delayed start, the schedule will follow a 2 hour delay: students may enter the building beginning at 9:15 am and wait in the cafeteria or gym, students may enter the classroom at 9:30 am, breakfast will not be served, and class will begin at 9:45 am.  Lunch will follow a modified schedule and dismissal will continue as normal.

Lunch and Recess Schedule

Lunch and Recess Schedule